Thursday, February 28, 2013

CONCERT: Christina Harnisch (Piano)

1 comment:

CaffeineOrMe said...

Dear Owner of this site. I am new in Pune and I would like to get in touch, as I need help with organizing an music-film event which shall be free of charge and open to anybody with a heart for new European Pop-Music. Please read all about it here
I am looking for a place to organize it at, because I myself do not have enough space at my home (Hadapsar)
I hope you understand I do not know any venues in Pune yet, and as I speak only English (which is still not my mother-tongue), I would like to meet locals to set this event up in some place nice.

Kindly use this emailadress: caffeine_or_me (at) yahoo (dot) de
Thank you!

PS. I am glad I discovered this blog. I´ll check it out regularly from now on. I´m eager to see concerts here in Pune.